The selfie craze has officially swept the nation, so I see no reason to ignore this as we head into the new school year. Before we begin, let’s start this post with a selfie, shall we?
I Have to Go Back to School…But First, Let Me Take a Selfie
This is my pre-7:00 A.M. selfie, hence the coffee and my expression—we will try again later for a better one.
In addition to clogging my social media newsfeeds, selfies serve as statements of self-expression and a creative art form that people use to present themselves in a variety of settings, moods and situations. I began thinking about how funny and adorable it would be to see the selfies my students would take, and lo and behold, my back-to-school selfies were born:
This delightful freebie will encourage your students to portray themselves in a variety of settings during the first day or week of school. Throughout the day, students will draw themselves at their desk, reading, at lunch, at recess, and many more settings! This is a great conversation piece students can bring home to show their families, and it is also a great product to have out at Back to School Night so parents can get a glimpse into their child’s days at school through their child’s eyes.
Best of all, it’s FREE! Click here or on the picture above to grab this back-to-school present.
Have a WONDERFUL year!
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