Finding easy morning work solutions is harder than it seems. Chances are, you are no stranger to last-minute trips to the copier (which may or may not be working) to run off those morning work worksheets. And let’s be honest–those are more of an afterthought than a purposeful assignment. I get it. Mornings are tough and there are a million things going on in any given classroom. Taking attendance, helping students get settled, and doing other housekeeping tasks can feel like a real juggling act. It’s no wonder we don’t have time to answer a million questions when it comes to our students’ morning work.

Show me your easy morning work!
Really quick, though: If you’d like to get straight to the point you can click on the button to see the morning work for your grade specifically. I understand–it’s like when I read those recipe blogs and have to scroll through 8 paragraphs of their life story (just tell me the ingredients, Karen!).
Tell me more about this
Here’s some quick information about this game-changing morning work system I developed while in the throes of morning after morning of chaos. I knew I wanted an easy morning work system that didn’t require copies, students could do independently, but would still be meaningful. In other words, easy morning work that actually works.

It’s like the teacher heavens opened above and showered me with the best idea I’ve had since deciding to become a teacher: Paperless whiteboard-based writing prompts that students respond to in spiral notebooks.
How does this easy morning work operate?
One prompt every day.

One student response frame.

Fun themes throughout the week.

Consistent expectations for my students.
A few minutes of peace to get my day started on the right foot.
Win, win, win, win, win.

You can check out the Kindergarten journal here, the 1st grade journal here, and the 2nd/3rd grade journal here.
Now start dreaming of what you’ll do with all of that extra time in the morning! 😉