The 2020 school year–or year in general–is proving to be such a confusing mess of unknowns that it helps to have *some* sort of idea what you’re doing come August or September. [Side note: while this isn’t 100% relevant, you can still get a HUGE checklist of to-do items for back to school here.] This is why Jamboard by Google is going to be a useful tool for teachers everywhere, whether you are doing distance learning, in-person, or a hybrid model.
What is Jamboard by Google?
Jamboard is an interactive whiteboard tool from Google and its newest edition to G Suite for Google Classroom. Essentially, anything you “write” on the “board” is seen in real-time by your students—even if you are teaching them via Zoom or Google Meet.
How should I use Jamboard?
Jamboard by Google is especially helpful for demonstrating concepts to students visually. I’m picturing lots of math lessons on Jamboard. In addition, you can also assign slides to students so that you can watch them work in real-time too! I anticipate Jamboard getting more features as it gains traction in the teacher world, but for now, it’s fairly basic. Today, I want to show you how to use resources you already own (like our favorite, TPT!) using Jamboard by Google so you are working smarter and not recreating the wheel.
Here’s my disclaimer: Jamboard isn’t perfect, but it’s the best replacement for an in-person interactive whiteboard that I’ve discovered so far. I recommend using it first as a teacher-directed tool then assigning jams to your students once you become more comfortable with it.
P.S. If you are distance learning this year, I am so sorry. I also have a free planning template you can check out here to make your life a little easier. And good luck!
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