Hi there, teacher friends! Earth Day will be here soon, so let’s channel our students’ creativity and love for our planet through engaging and meaningful writing activities. These Earth Day writing activities not only foster literacy skills but also instill a sense of responsibility and appreciation for our environment. Here are 10 fresh and exciting ideas to inspire your young writers.

Earth Day Activities Idea #1: “If I Ran the Earth”
Encourage students to unleash their imagination by writing about what they would do if they ran the earth. Prompt them to consider changes, improvements, or laws they would implement to make our world a better place. This activity sparks creativity while promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Things to think about:
- What places would they change? Remove?
- What rules would they instill?
- What would they do to protect animals? People?
Earth Day Writing Activities Idea #2: Write a Letter to the Mayor (for Community Improvement)
Empower your students to be active community members by writing letters to the mayor. Have them express their thoughts on ways to improve their local environment, whether it’s advocating for cleaner parks, more recycling bins, or community gardens. This real-world connection helps students understand the impact their voices can have.
Quick tip: for younger students, brainstorm a list of improvements you’d like to see around your community. Break them into categories like Parks, Roads, Schools, etc.
Earth Day Activities Idea #3: Design a Bird Feeder
Combine writing and hands-on creativity by having students design a bird feeder. In their written descriptions, ask them to explain how their feeder supports local wildlife and contributes to the Earth’s ecosystem. This activity integrates science, art, and literacy in a fun and educational way.
Quick tip: Encourage students to draw a sketch of the birdfeeder first, label its parts, and determine what needs are being met by the feeder.
Earth Day Writing Activities Idea #4: Design a Garden
Inspire green thumbs with an Earth Day writing activity focused on designing a garden. Students can describe the types of plants they would include, the layout of the garden, and how it promotes sustainability. This activity allows them to explore the importance of biodiversity and conservation.
Quick tip: Do a class drawing of a garden first and talk about possible layouts, things to plant, materials needed, etc.
Earth Day Activities Idea #5. Create a Class Book: How to Save the Earth
Collaboration takes center stage with this activity. Have each student contribute a page to a class book titled “How to Save the Earth.” This collective effort reinforces teamwork and provides a tangible resource to remind students of their commitment to their environment.
Earth Day Writing Activities Idea #6: Paperless Journal Prompts
Explore a set of Earth Day-themed paperless journal prompts available here. These prompts cover a variety of topics, encouraging thoughtful reflection and critical thinking. Bonus: they are paperless so they are Earth-friendly!
Earth Day Activities Idea #7: Nature Observation Journal
Take learning outdoors by creating a Nature Observation Journal. Embark on class walks at different times of the day, prompting students to write about what they see, feel, and hear. This sensory-rich experience fosters a deep connection to nature and promotes descriptive writing skills.
Quick tip: Students can bring clipboards but if you don’t have a class set, use dry erase board with binder clips to affix the papers!
Earth Day Writing Activities Idea #8: Letter to Earth (Dear Earth)
In a heartfelt activity, students can write letters expressing gratitude to Earth. Encourage them to thank our planet for its beauty, resources, and the ability to sustain life. This reflective exercise instills a sense of responsibility and appreciation for the environment.
Earth Day Activities Idea #9: My Favorite Place on Earth
Invite students to reflect on their favorite places on Earth. Have them describe why these places are special and how the Earth has provided them with these cherished spaces. This personal connection enhances their understanding of the planet’s significance in their lives.
Go the extra mile: Ask families to send in photos of students at their favorite places!
Earth Day Writing Activities Idea #10: Collage & Caption
Combine art and writing by having students create collages about ways to care for the Earth or Earth Day itself. Afterward, they can write captions, turning their collages into visual stories or informative diagrams. This activity allows for creative expression while reinforcing the importance of environmental responsibility.
As we celebrate Earth Day, let’s empower our young writers to become the heroes our planet needs through these engaging Earth Day writing activities. By fostering a love for the environment and encouraging thoughtful reflection, we plant the seeds for a future generation committed to the well-being of our Earth. Happy writing!
Interested in more writing prompts? Grab a free set here:
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