This quick-paced, nail-biter of a word game for Fry’s 4th 100 list will leave your kids BEGGING for more! Team up to knock out the other team’s player. The last team standing wins! This is by far the most engaging thing I’ve done for my classroom this year. My kids get SO excited when we play, and they work super hard all week practicing their words just so they can improve their Knockout™ game!
Not only is this GREAT for learning about sight words, but it builds character as it emphasizes teamwork and good sportsmanship.
A quick look at Knockout™ & how it is played:
- Divide your class into 2 single file lines
- Display the first slide
- The player at the front of his/her line faces off against the player from the other team: the first player to answer his/her question correctly wins and returns to the end of the line.
- The player who does not win goes to sit on the team “bench” to cheer on the team!
BUT WAIT. That’s not all. If a player faces these slides, the following could happen:
- Double Free Pass: Both players automatically get to stay in the game!
- Double Knockout™: Both players are automatically out!
- Knockout™/Free Pass: One player goes, one stays!
- Pick a Pal: Choose a player from the bench to return to the game!
- Knockout™/Pick a Pal: One player goes, the other chooses a friend to return!
The team with players standing at the end of the game wins. In our classroom, we like to keep teams the same for a week or two and keep a running score as a Knockout™ “tournament.”
This is a set of PowerPoint files and can be used on any device that supports PowerPoint. Each game is a PowerPoint presentation that has 30 slides. It is also available as a PDF; please read the “Directions” file that comes with this product to view directions for PDF or PowerPoint set-up.
This pack includes the following 5 Knockout™ games and is perfect for practicing sight words in a super fun way!
- List 1 {25 words from Fry’s 4th 100 Words}
- List 2 {25 words from Fry’s 4th 100 Words}
- List 3 {25 words from Fry’s 4th 100 Words}
- List 4 {25 words from Fry’s 4th 100 Words}
- All Words {100 Words from Fry’s 4th 100 Words}
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